

Another sunny day, another naked park, this time it’s Hasenheide, a good size park, easy train ride from home.  In addition to sunning my dick, I need to buy weed.  Weed dealer number one is “taking a break,” whatever that means; unavailable in that way weed dealers often are, arrested? No, he responds still to text though intermittently. Out of stock? Possibly. Who knows? Anyway, I’m nearly out and the only other option I’m aware of are the Jamaican guys in the park.  I’ve never bought weed from a stranger and as a rule, don’t, which is why it’s never happened, but I’m in a foreign country with few contacts and the only one I know won’t help me, so I head to the park, hoping to find what I’m looking for, not get mugged or spend 40 euro on a bag of oregano.  I figure, it’s early in the day, broad daylight, I can distinguish weed from other green things pretty well, and according to online accounts, this is how most people acquire it with no accounts of robbery, murder, etc., so I’m willing to give it a try.  Nothing identifies exactly where to find the Jamaican guy(s), just look for groups of black men hanging about.  The park is also lovely, heavily wooded with a couple monuments and a long open meadow running down the center, most of which is occupied by a carnival midway. I enter the park from the train station at the north end and head in the general direction of the nude area I assume to be near a little pond on the opposite end, but again, that’s just an assumption; I have no specific location.  Shortly into the park on the main trail, I see a few black men gathered about a park bench, as I look into the group, one looks up and catches my eye, says, “Hello, are you looking for something?” I reply, “Gras.”  He asks how much, I tell him 2 grams. I ask how much, he says 20 euro. It’s ten euro less than weed dealer 1.  I say OK. He tells me to follow him which makes me a bit nervous. Follow him where? Apparently not far, we walk a few meters up the trail and I’m passed off to another black man near another bench who also asks what I’m looking for.  Same answer, he also tells me to follow him, so I do for another few meters and I’m again passed off to a third black man who again asks to be followed.  This one leads me behind some bushes to the side of the trail where another is waiting.  It’s somewhat concealed from the trail but still open enough that I’m not too concerned about getting away should the need arise.  The two men have sticks and use them to dig in the dirt around the base of the shrubs, looking for buried treasure, barely buried treasure.  After several attempts digging in different spots, they exhume a small baggie filled with something green from its shallow grave.  He shows it to me, lets me open it, smell it.  It’s definitely weed, fairly decent looking, bright green and soft, still relatively fresh, somewhat crystalline but not heavily so and faintly aromatic, not as strong as I’m used to but definitely smokeable.  He tells me the baggie is 4 grams and it is stuffed full so I believe him.  They look for an empty bag to split it but no one has one.  This process of trying to accommodate my apparent non-standard request seems to be taking a bit of time and while I appreciate the effort, I tell him I’ll just take the whole thing for 35 and he agrees.  I hand him the money, stuff the baggie in my pocket and continue on my quest for the naked place.  I pass through the midway, it’s quite long and narrow, lots of rides, lots of staff preparing to open for the day.  The far side is near the little pond and as I exit the midway, I see a small meadow adjacent to the trail with naked bodies lining the edge along a small grove of trees with what look like several primitive trails leading off into the woods.  Eureka!  I walk into the meadow, strip, find a suitable spot adjacent to one of the little trails and park my gear, spread my towel put on my ball weights, grab my essentials and head into the woods for a little naked walk and exploration.  It’s ideal cruising territory, crisscrossed with trails, dense enough foliage to provide privacy from the more public trails, wadded up tissues and occasional condom wrapper confirm cruising and as I wander the trails, there are a few fully clothed, middle aged men loitering about, clearly looking for sex. I am the only naked person in the woods and garnering a fair amount of surprise and attention.  It’s early and none of these men interest me so I push on with my hike, enjoying feeling my balls and dick swing. The area isn’t large, I fairly quickly determine the boundaries as I run into main trails where walking naked would be inappropriate as I observe from local custom and reaction to my vertical nakedness.  Germans don’t walk naked, they just lay naked in the sun, even pull on shorts before standing up for any reason.  The active FKK of the ’20’s, this is not.  No one is doing calisthenics, no one frolicking with balls or hula hoops; they just lay on the ground, or sometimes sit and chat. The area is bound to the north and west by main trails, the meadow to the south and the midway to the east. In a dense area not far from the midway, someone set up a sheet of plywood, painted black, propped against two trees with a single hole drilled through, conveniently at dick height.  I hike around it to see if it’s usable.  The side facing the trail is mostly clear, easy standing for a would-be top.  The backside, where one assumes the bottom would kneel, is a bit overgrown with vines and not terribly inviting.  There’s no one around to test it out anyway.  I suppose it gets more use later, dusk till dawn since it’s otherwise open and provides no anonymity. I circle back to the meadow, ready for my lunch snack and to get a bit of sun.  There are now maybe twenty or thirty people in the meadow, most naked, more women than other parks I’ve visited and those mostly older, sun damaged, brown crepey skin, sagging breasts and buttocks, the vanguard of the FKK, aging into oblivion just like naturism in the states. There are a few younger (under forty) folks, a gay couple who apparently met in the woods earlier and decided to chat in the meadow after, three young straight people, two men, one woman, only one man is naked the others in underwear, picnicking in the park.  It’s a lovely thing to do, picnic in a lovely green meadow on a warm, sunny day.  I finish my own meal of goat cheese on toast, cress salad with tomatoes, a banana, water, again rotisserie myself under the sun, check Scruff and Romeo for nearby options, only one of the gay couple previously mentioned shows up close. After a good rest and a hit off my pipe, I feel restless and again the urge to wander and wag, so I put on my shoes and head into the woods.  By now, quite a few more fully dressed men have shown up and the woods is quite busy, like a hive with men circulating around and through the trails.  I’m still the only naked person and the only one from the meadow. I assume the others enter off the adjacent trails since none passed through the meadow.  Nothing’s happening; they’re just milling about as they do.  Again, my nakedness seems to startle some, intrigue others.  Several very fat men look at me interested but I’m not. I pause for a bit by a tree. A man in cycling gear, lycra shorts and jersey, walking a road bike, stops at another tree across from me and begins to touch his crotch.  I can see from the growing bulge in his bike shorts that he’s interested and endowed enough to catch my interest.  I myself am getting hard now and fully exposed so anyone who sees me doesn’t have to guess.  We stand and watch each other for a moment, I touch my dick, lick my lips and squat down leaning back against the tree, mouth open, inviting.  He watches through sunglasses, continues to stroke his dick through his shorts, but doesn’t move otherwise.  “Do I have to do everything…?” I think. So, impatient, I get up and walk over to him, kneeling in front of him and he obliges the effort by pulling his shorts down to reveal a nice size dick, just as expected. Around us, men are passing by, meandering through. Some stop to watch.  I never mind an appreciative audience.  There’s something gratifying about being witnessed in this way, like someone else is experiencing what I’m experiencing. It’s confirmation that the experience is real, and not just a memory in my mind, something I imagined, but also a memory in the minds of others.  Somehow this makes it more legitimate or at least can.  It can also be hugely distracting if the voyeurs are too aggressive and want a piece of the action, but these guys are rather reserved, watch from afar and don’t even pull out their dicks.  Actually, the mood is surprisingly more nervous, anxious, like it would be in the states if it still happened, or like it was back when it did, fear of being caught, arrested.  I assume it’s illegal here too or at least officially frowned upon, but everyone seems to ignore it; Germans are so nonchalant about sex, and this seems so well protected and no stories online of police raids or serial killers in the woods so I was expecting less fear, more confidence, but then kneeling there, stranger’s dick in my mouth, I notice his left hand holding down his cycling shorts and the well-worn gold band around the ring finger.  He’s worn that ring a long time; it’s plain, basic, bright yellow gold, not the sort a gay man would choose.  This guy is married.  Most of these guys probably identify as straight, married in sexless relationships to women unwilling to or incompetent at sucking dick and this is their only release.  Sex clubs are too public, might be seen, easy enough to head out for a quick walk, run, bike ride, “See you in a few, honey…!” and out the door for an alfresco orgasm. The furtive nature of these encounters adds to the anxiety, still might get caught with their pants down, literally.  I enjoy this man’s dick.  It’s clean; he’d showered before his bike ride (when after would be the norm…), prepared for sex.  It’s just slightly sweaty tasting under his scrotum and a little salty at the tip. I enjoy it, feeling the tip with my tongue, flicking the piss slit a bit, gently wrapping the head with my lips and brushing my tongue under it before plunging it fully into my throat.  He moans, enjoys it. I work him like that, throat fucking his dick for a bit, swallowing it, throat muscles massaging the length as I do, taking breaks for air while stroking the underside with the broad spade of my tongue, using my lips to vary the pressure, feeling the dick harden, his body start to tense until he finally mutters as if warning, “Ich comen” and pauses briefly to see if I pull off but I press against his ass, pushing his dick in deeper and so informed of my preference, he relaxes and lets fly a huge load that fills my mouth with sweet fresh cum, the flavor, the mouth feel, so unlike any other liquid, viscous, slippery, bodied, delicious.  I wait, letting it all drain out, feeling his dick relax, deflate, soften in my mouth, then suck out last bit as he winces, sensitive to the touch of my lips.  I pull off, thank him as he pulls up his shorts, he thanks me back with earnest appreciation and a hint of exhaustion. I move on…

But not far, dick number two was watching, waiting for a turn. He’s a little heavier than I’d choose but his dick is out and he wants it so bad, so pay it forward.  Never hurts to do a little charity work now in hopes that someone will have pity on me and do the same when I’m older and uglier. The dick’s not big and it doesn’t take long.  He pops a quick one into my mouth, buttons up his pants and heads back home to the wife, relieved. Dick number three is a younger guy, maybe mid-thirties, scruffy, unremarkable in every way.  I can remember him well enough it’s just that he’s so generic looking, average, that it’s not worth describing.  His dick isn’t clean, strong taste and ammonia smell of stale urine and smegma, balls smell ripe and sweaty too.  This is not an issue for me but it takes a moment to adjust my mindset.  He also goes fairly fast; cum tastes strongly of nicotine which I don’t like, bitter, odd chemical taste.  He’s probably gay, pulls up his cargo shorts and moves on. Number four is also older, nice dick but refuses to cum in my mouth and instead pulls out at the last minute spewing most of his load on my face and beard, such a waste.  I lick off as much as I can, suck out the last bit from his dick anyway and again move on.  

It’s time for a little break.  All this action has been in the same general area, and has persisted long enough to draw a bit of a crowd so I get up and walk off for a stretch, a bit of air and space.  Wandering again through the woods, I pass near the meadow and see a very hot boy, late twenties, early thirties maybe, shirtless, baggy nylon sport shorts pulled down slightly to reveal beautiful cum gutters, the grooves formed on either side of the abdominal muscles, disappear into his shorts, the curve of his beautiful ass and a hint of crack showing behind, smooth, hairless torso with well defined, spherical musculature, pecs like peeled boiled eggs, round, smooth, shiny, beautiful bearded face with happy eyes, baseball cap, ear grommets.  I’d passed him earlier, in an unexpected way and only caught a glimpse then.  I think it was the same for him, because now we were fully taking each other in, I admiring his beautiful body while he admired mine, putting his hand on the waistband of his already low shorts, pushing it down a bit more, me still naked, still exposed, holes and dick ready and available for anything, anytime, just the way I like to be.  I approach him, we fall into each other, pressing our bodies against each other, mouths locked in deep tongue kiss, I stroke his beautiful torso, my hand follows the trail down his abdomen, to the long bulge in his shorts, and grasp through them a substantial dick, already hard, ready to go.  We stand there like this for a while, enjoying each other’s mouths as our hands explore each other’s body, oblivious to the fact that we’re quite near the meadow in a thin part of the woods with fairly open views from all directions but we don’t know, we don’t care.  Several cruisers stop and watch as I finally kneel before him, pull the shorts down and work my oral magic on his beautiful dick, and it is beautiful, same smooth skin, flawless, really big now, glossy pink head, slight curve to the left and a large soft bump on the underside that I carefully investigate without detection to learn it’s just a vein protruding a bit at that spot. I take the thing down my throat, it slides down effortlessly, all the while, he’s expressing delight, moaning, laughing, I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone experience such joy and delight from having sex with me.  It felt amazing, contagious and I also felt filled with joy.  The dick felt so good in my throat and while I’d not planned to get fucked in the woods, somehow believing that oral is less risky than anal for STD’s, knowing there’s no logic behind that belief as oral gonorrhea offers no advantage over rectal gonorrhea, both hurt, require treatment and can be passed on to others.  Maybe it’s ok if I can still get fucked but not suck…?  I can’t explain it, Like I said, there’s no logic there or valid reason, but this dick is so big, feels so good in my throat, I just have to have it inside me, feel it inside my body, sliding in and out, releasing his cum in my ass. Driven, I simply must have it and cannot go on without it, so I spit on the first three fingers of my right hand, reach back to wipe the spit on my exposed anus, push it in a little, continue sucking that beautiful cock and work up a good wad of spit in the process, depositing it evenly over the surface of the cock, stand up, turn around arch my back up while pushing my ass toward him, and back myself onto his dick to his great surprise and delight, he squeals with glee, seriously so joyful to be fucking my ass, no reservation, no hesitation just pure and simple joy at the sensation.  He’s good too, fucks me deep, really lets himself enjoy it. I feel his hard dick pulsing in me, he’s ejaculating without orgasm.  I do this sometimes.  I don’t know how common it is but I learned early on that I could separate orgasm from ejaculation and actually enjoy several small orgasms without recovery period if I didn’t ejaculate and conversely, cum sometimes spurts out even though I’m not close to orgasm. He starts to pull off me, close to cumming, squirts a bit on my butt, again unsure whether it’s ok with me to do it inside and again, I pull him back into me where he roars with delight, orgasming hugely inside my ass.  I think most of his load was inside me already so this was just the sensation for him.  I keep him inside me pulling him in deep and squeezing his dick with my ass, milking out the last drops. He sighs deeply, laughs again and gives me a big hug after pulling out.  I’ve made his day and he mine.

I have no idea how many people were watching. Certainly a few had gathered in the area around us, certainly our sounds had to attract attention from the meadow but in that moment, it’s just the two of us; I’m totally absorbed by his dick in my ass and the feeling I get from being with him, moaning myself with pleasure.  There’s always that awkward moment after when suddenly I’m back, back to where I am and no longer lost in the sex and I see the people standing around watching, mouths agape, eyes darting away as I make contact with them, faces turning, looking down or away, wandering off embarrassed.  I too wander away, ass wet with cum, dick still rock hard, carrying my phone and wallet, phone buzzes, it’s Heiko, the fisting bottom from the naked dance party wanting to know where I am and what I’m doing, I want to play with him and we agree to meet at my place so I gather my belongings and take off back through the woods still naked, extending the naked as long as possible, heading for the trail back to the train station.  One last dick, small young man, long stringy hair, standing alongside the trail, dick already out, puppy dog face with pouty mouth, pleading eyes.  It’s obvious I’m on the way out and he desperately wants it so I let Heiko know I’m going to be a few minutes late and blow him to completion before heading on to the edge of the woods and the trail, pull on my shorts and walk back to the station.  

It was a good day.


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